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Maryland Nekede, Owerri


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The Vice Chancellor

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Rev. Fr. Wenceslaus Madu

CMF, Vice Chancellor

Message from the Vice Chancellor of the Claretian University of Nigeria

In the Encyclical Letter of 1929, probably the most authoritative document on Catholic education; Pope Pius (X1) defined education as the sacred task of forming the character of the child and aiding them to attain the purpose of existence. It is stated in Can.795 of the Code of Canon Law 1983 that “education must pay respect to the development of the whole person so that all may attain their eternal destiny and at the same time, promote the common good of society.

Children and young persons are therefore to be cared for in such a way that their physical, moral and intellectual talents may be developed in a pleasant manner so that they may attain a greater sense of responsibility and a right use of freedom and be formed to take an active part in social life.”

The Second Vatican Council declaration; that “true education is directed towards the formation of the human person in view of his final end and the good of the society to which he will, as an adult, have a share” indeed calls for deep reflection, at this time in the development of our dear nation, Nigeria.

I must not fail to acknowledge the dedication of the esteemed members of the PIC, very busy men who brought their varied professional and academic experiences to bear on the work of the committee and who studiously kept assignments and turned up for meetings often at short notices travelling from different parts of Nigeria. On behalf of the PIC, I wish to express my profound gratitude to Mr. Chukwuemeka Okereke, the Chief Technical Innovation Officer (CTIO) of CUN for his unwavering commitment to this good cause. I am indebted to the Most Rev Dr Hilary Dachelem, CMF, Bishop of Bauchi and the first Pro-Chancellor of the Claretian University, for committing time and resources and with his unfailing presence in all meetings and trips connected with NUC.

Finally, it is our hope and prayer that the Claretian University of Nigeria will be a niche institution able to serve the needs of its immediate environment and society and be a centre of global scholarship in the areas of specialization identified for it. That it becomes a new and positively focused conventional University that shall be totally dedicated to the training and education of a new Nigerian, to be entrenched with a new vision, with new value systems, new learning and working ethics and with a resolute commitment to the norms of excellence in Arts, Science and Technology disciplines.

I hope you will join forces with the Claretian University of Nigeria to contribute to a brighter future for our children. Wishing you grace and Peace, I welcome you to the University of the third millennium.