CUN location

Maryland Nekede, Owerri


+234 (0) 901 6189 060




Trans-National Education (TNE) refers to the movement of people, programmes, providers, knowledge, ideas, projects and services across national boundaries. The term is often used interchangeably with “offshore education” and “borderless education”. Trans-National Education involves educational partnerships, developmental cooperation projects, academic exchange programmes and commercial initiatives.

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It is the type of higher education that takes place in situations where the teacher, student, programme, institution, provider or course materials move across national jurisdictional borders. Trans-National Education may include higher education by public/private and not-for-profit/for-profit providers. It encompasses a wide range of modalities in a continuum from face-to-face (taking various forms, from students travelling to campuses abroad) to distance learning using a range of technologies including e-learning. It presents a wide range of opportunities such as increasing access to higher education and promoting strategic alliances between countries and regions.

Trans-National Education has other benefits which include: International Security arising from bilateral relationships, maintenance of economic competitiveness and understanding across nations, spread of technologies, promotion of knowledge economy and creation of regional networks, as well as attaining international level in research and teaching.

Nigeria has been a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) since 1st January, 1995. All Members of the organization are party/signatories to the 1995 General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), which was designed to increase trade liberalization. Education was also considered as an exportable service. The National Universities Commission (NUC) hopes to widen access and fully exploit the provisions of GATS for the benefit of Nigerians. An additional advantage of opening up the space for TNE is the opportunity it would afford to foster collaborations between stakeholders in the Nigerian University System and their counterparts in foreign countries.

Under this arrangement, the Claretian University of Nigeria has entered MoU with two reputable institutions to deliver quality educational programmes collaboratively. These include: