CUN location

Maryland Nekede, Owerri


+234 (0) 901 6189 060

The Chancellor

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Rev Fr Henry Omonisaye, CMF

Delegate of the Superior General (Proprietor) & Chairman, BoT of CUN

Message from the proprietor of the Claretian University of Nigeria

The general government studied the project of Claretian university of Nigeria and draft masterplan 2018 presented by the Province of East Nigeria for its approval. Different communications from the superior general insisted on the need for clear and realistic economic and strategic plans.

Having clarified a number of issues, the Superior general with his Council in October 2018 held a meeting in the curia of the Claretain Missionaries in Rome, with Fr Simeon Nwobi, cmf , Provincial Superior of East Nigeria and Fr Wenceslaus Madu, CMF, Chairman Project Implementation committee, to assess the feasibility of starting the University and discussed the pastoral, academic, economic aspects of the project.

The General Council in its session of 31st October 2018 deliberated on the project of the Claretian University of Nigeria and granted its approval with some stipulations. Etc