CUN location

Maryland Nekede, Owerri


+234 (0) 901 6189 060

Public Relations Unit

Public Relations

The Public Relations Unit

Welcome to CUN Public Relation Unit

The Public Relation Unit is headed by the Public Relation Manager who performs the following duties:

  • Responsible for developing, managing and implementing communication strategies both internal and external for the university to enable it maintain cordial relation with its teeming publics.
  • Provides strategic guidance on the ongoing activities and executes as far as possible the day-to-day publicity efforts on behalf of the university.
  • This unit writes, edits and disseminates information press release, creates the required media platform as well as identifying opportunities for officials. In the campus, news team comprising of reporters cover such events and reports to the Internal and external public.
  • Speech writing.
  • They coordinate all arrangement of corporate and official functions such as graduation, matriculation ceremonies, welcome/send-off parties etc. They arrange and assign comperes at such occasion.