CUN library is the gateway to wide range of information resources that will help students access relevant resourceful material which will help achieve academic excellence.

Our Mission

To establish a university library which reflects global best practices necessary for harnessing the university intellectual and competitive research advantage as well as enhancing the visibility and information service delivery to the university global community.


Our Vision

To run a library that stands out for Excellence at all times in resources, organization, operations and service delivery in an ICT based environment.


Our Core Value

User centred and super awareness, flexibility, transparency, responsiveness, diversity, integrity, teamwork, and ICT driven.


The Functions and Objectives of Claretian University of Nigeria, Library.


The Claretian University Library Provides the following functions to their students, Staff and other researcher:


  1. Providing services   of   information   necessary   for   faculty members, students and staff, as well as local community.
  2. Organizing information sources and arranging them so they can be stored and easily retrieved with less
  3. Borrowing library materials to staff and students and provide convenient environment for
  4. Answer questions   and   inquiries   from   library   patrons (staff/students)
  5. Introducing to students the best approach to the use of library and making them library
  6. Developing skills and abilities of the library staff, through in house training, mentoring, seminars and workshops.

Importance of the Library to students/staff

The University Library is meant to support the students in their studies which includes: learning, research and self study.

Students and staff can borrow books for further studies

The library serves as recreational purpose with the exposure to light reading materials like novels, magazines and newspapers.

The library is an appreciable place for studies and mental development.

The library opens a world of wisdom for the students; a student can build his confidence by going through the book of his interest.

The Claretian University Library promotes building a knowledge driven environment.


Library Sections

The Claretian University of Nigeria Library consists of the following sections:

Administrative Section:


This is the centre of the library administration, where the university librarian is at the apex of the administration, with the secretarial staff and other staff that reports to him/her.


Technical Service Department:


Acquisition Section: This section has the responsibility to select, purchase, process payments of all library materials.

Cataloguing Section: This section has the responsibility to catalogue and classifies newly acquired books and other information materials, thereby giving access points for easy retrieval of information materials.

Library Rules & Regulations

  1. Every student must possess his/her Library Card while making use of the Library facility and produce the same to the Library Staff on entering the
  2. Strict discipline must be maintained in the Indiscipline may lead to disciplinary action and the library privileges may be withdrawn.
  3. One Book will be issued against one Reader’s Ticket for specific number of days
  4. Reference material should not be taken outside the
  5. Books for overnight reading will be issued at specific time as decided by the Librarian and the same must be returned before

9.30 AM next day.

  1. Newspapers, Periodicals and light reading materials are issued against Library cards for Reading in the library. Journals will be issued for current reading in the library
  2. When Books are issued, students should check the pages of the issued books and if pages are found missing, they should report to the Librarian before leaving the Circulation On returning the books, if pages are found missing, then the last borrower of the book shall be held accountable for the missing pages and shall accordingly be fined.
  3. Students are required to handle books and reading material very carefully. Marking library books with pencil or ink, tearing the pages or spoiling the same in any other way will be viewed very In such case, the last reader will be held responsible unless he shows the Librarian at the time of issue that the book had been previously marked or damaged. In the event of damage of any kind, the last reader will be liable to compensate for damage. Book will have to be replaced.